


為低收入國家的衛生工作者和高風險群體採購和提供20 億劑新冠肺炎的疫苗。有意捐助者,可以用信用卡方式登入以下教會傳道部 (Missions Department) 鄭國芬(Doret)姊妹  籌款活動的網頁:

Love My Neighbor # GiveAVax


雖然超過 79% 的符合條件的加拿大人已接種了第一劑 COVID-19 疫苗,但在低收入國家,只有 1% 的人至少接種了一劑。我們看到 COVID如何繼續在全球範圍內肆虐低資源人口。目睹這種不平等的情況實在令人心碎,他們的生命是否僅僅因為生活在低收入國家,就更可有可無呢 ?

作為疫苗提供方面的全球領導者,聯合國兒童基金會的任務是為低收入國家的衛生工作者和高風險群體採購和提供 COVID-19 疫苗,盡快令這些地區有更多人免費獲得疫苗。

加拿大政府將匹配您的捐款,這將使您的影響加倍 !

#GiveAVax and Love my Neighbour Project:
While more than 79% of eligible Canadians have received their first dose of a COVID-19 vaccine, only 1% of people in low-income countries have received at least one dose.  We see how COVID continues to ravage low-resource populations globally, and it is heartbreaking to witness this inequity … are people more dispensable just because they live in low-income countries?  
As the global leader in vaccine delivery, UNICEF has been tasked with procuring and delivering 2 BILLION doses of COVID-19 vaccines to health workers and high-risk groups in lower-income countries.  We need to pitch in to get COVID-19 vaccines to as many people as possible, as quickly as possible. 
The Government of Canada will match your donation so this will double your impact!  
Please consider donating to this effort through Doret’s Love My Neighbor #GiveAVax Fundraising drive: 


East Toronto Chinese Baptist Church (Cantonese Ministry)