耶穌設一個比喻,是要人常常禱告,不可灰心。 (路加福音 18:1)
應當一無掛慮,只要凡事藉著禱告、祈求,和感謝,將你們所要的告訴神。神所賜、出人意外的平安必在基督耶穌裡保守你們的心懷意念。 (腓立比書 4:6-7)
- 讓醫療人員有智慧及資源救助患者,對垂危病人及其家人在身心靈上提供支持及安慰的同時,他們在情緒上也得到舒緩,並得到從天上而來的召命及力量去維持他們的服務。
- 因疫情告急,有更多醫護人員要適應重新被調配工作而產生的挑戰,為此求主看顧在過程中得到足夠的培訓及支援。
- 目前在安省部份較偏遠地區的醫護人員可能還在等待第一劑疫苗的注射,求主隔外看顧當地的需要及保護他們。
- 目前必須服務的員工正首當其衝地每天在變種新冠病毒的陰霾下工作。求主讓他們能早日獲得有薪病假的安排,並可放心前往檢測或接種疫苗而不至影響收入。
What are we struggling as healthcare workers?
Mostly fatigued body and mind, some Christian staff even experienced spiritual struggles as they wanted to spread good gospel to the suffering and dying patients but cannot do so due to work ethics boundaries at their work site.
As for myself, a chaplain on-call, the most difficult experience was I couldn’t even get to the bedside on time before the patient died. How I wished I could pray for them when they could still hear the Holy Spirit whispered rather than my own silent prayer after the fact. There was an emergency doctor who was deployed back to support the team, however, the tearful eyes told me that it was saddened to see a life could not be saved. May God be with us each day when we are on duty and keep us safe. Amen!
My heartfelt thanks to all the frontliners who are so selflessly serving others. Stay well! God is journeying alongside with you ❤ We will have the strengths from all the prayers said and never give up! 🙏